Learning French Prepositions, Pronouns, Adjectives and Tenses
Learning French online with an app-based learning model is considered one of the most effective ways of getting to grips with this widely spoken language. Whether you need to brush up on your French for a holiday, need to become fluent for work or study, or perhaps you're just looking for a new challenge, learning French online allows you to study in your own home and at your own pace.

Learning French effectively means understanding the unique grammar rules of this beautiful language. With an online course you'll quickly be introduced to French prepositions and understand when to apply them, as well as French pronouns and the rules around French tenses and adjectives.
The importance of understanding French Prepositions
Prepositions are an integral part of any language, we use them in practically every sentence. A preposition tells us where or when something is, in relation to something else. When you learn French online you will encounter basic French prepositions for places and for time as well as specific French prepositions with verbs.
How do I use French prepositions and grammar rules?
Prepositions come before nouns/pronouns
They indicate the relationship between the noun and the sentence
Don't end a sentence with a preposition
They can have more than one translation
Essential French prepositions list:
Behind = derriére
In/on = dans
On = sur
At/in = à
Under = sous
Next to = à côté de
Understanding French Pronouns
Like most languages, learning the pronouns is one of the trickiest but important elements of both written and conversational French. There are several types of French pronouns, but even within these categories you'll learn that some pronouns are further split into formal and informal (e.g. you = tu and vous), depending on who you are speaking to. It's also important to understand the French pronouns order. In most cases the verb follows the pronoun, however in the affirmative imperative, the pronoun follows the verb.
Types of French pronoun:
Personal pronoun
Possessive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns
Relative pronouns
Interrogative pronouns
French demonstrative pronouns
Indefinite pronouns
Adverbial pronouns

French tenses explained
The French tenses present, past and future, are split further into forms. The most complicated of the tenses is the past tense, which has five forms, whilst the present tense has just one form and the future has three (future, future perfect and the most unique of all French tenses conditional). It's particularly important to understand French verb tenses, as these are used frequently, such as the commonly encountered avoir (to have or to be) and etre (to be). Before you start learning French the tense forms may appear overwhelming, but a linguist-designed course, such as that from Babbel, is perfectly designed to help you understand the forms effectively. In addition to online lessons, many learners find it helpful to draw up a French tenses table for revision purposes.
French Adjectives - Masculine and Feminine
The most important element of learning about adjectives in French is understanding which nouns are masculine and which are feminine. This will change the way you write and pronounce the adjective. In the case of adjectives used to describe a feminine noun, an 'e' is added at the end of the adjective.
Enjoy a free introductory lesson that includes French prepositions and forms
The first lesson on any Babbel course is free and even from the earliest lessons you'll encounter the most common prepositions, pronouns, verbs and adjectives and quickly understand French tenses too. When you learn French with the Babbel app you can work at a time and place that suits you, and go as slowly or quickly as you like. All lessons present learners with real-life situations and phrases, chosen specifically to help you with everyday activities, such as directions, food ordering and shopping.
Learn French grammar fast with online learning
When you sign up to a Babbel course you'll quickly see that the lessons have been designed by linguist experts, who have strategically built courses using The Babbel Method, to introduce you to French grammar in a way you can understand. Once you're confident in the basics of French grammar, learning the language will be much easier.