Portuguese phrases and common sentences
Engage expertly with Portuguese locals in their native tongue, and enjoy the benefits of having mastered a foreign language during work and travel.

Benefits of learning Portuguese
Portuguese is one of the best languages to learn for those who love travel- it is the 6th most spoken language in the world! Being able to communicate, work and make friends with people in their own language will make any travel experience much deeper and more memorable. Portuguese is spoken on almost every continent so knowing key phrases will make any trip go a lot smoother than fumbling through a phrasebook at a coffee counter. Learning Portuguese also makes you more employable! It looks great on a resume, a second language will definitely make you stand out from the crowd. Many people such as teachers, doctors, lawyers, business people and bankers can all benefit from learning Portuguese as the ability to connect with someone in their own language goes a long way in these fields among many others.
Test first lesson of every course for freeMaster important words and phrases
Portuguese is the fast becoming a very valuable language to know, it is the official language of nine countries and is the fastest-growing European language after English. There are study and work abroad opportunities in Portuguese speaking countries including Brazil, Angola and Mozambique. Portuguese is also a popular language in India and Macau. Speaking Portuguese also offers many opportunities to live and work overseas. Many English companies have clients and offices across the world and they are always looking for people to travel and liaise between countries and cultures. Even those with beginner level Portuguese are in hot demand, and Babbel is the perfect way to fit language learning into any lifestyle. There's a course for learning the most important words and sentences that will help you out in work and travel in a multitude of Portuguese-speaking countries.

Learning with Babbel
With the Babbel app, the language is broken down into bite-sized pieces that can be practiced in just a few minutes at a time. Have a few moments on the bus or as you're eating breakfast? The Babbel app incorporates language that you can use in a variety of useful situations and covers reading, writing, listening and speaking the language in an engaging way. There are courses for newcomers to the language right through to those looking to learn more about the cultures that speak Portuguese All lesson content in the app was curated with and for learners to easily engage. By being flexible in when and where you practice, you're more likely to continue your learning and enjoy it. The app has been carefully developed to take into account your native language and find the easiest way for you to learn Portuguese.
Pronounce words like a native speaker
Traditionally learning any language involved being taught by a native speaker. Similarly, the lessons on the Babbel app have been voiced by native speakers from Portuguese-speaking countries so you will be able to hear regional variations and the speech recognition software picks up each word you say so you know your pronunciation is perfect. Instead of learning Portuguese from a generic textbook or class, Babbel is easily customised so you can choose your current level (including beginner, intermediate, refresher) or learn the language while also learning about the countries and culture. Mastering the native tongue can improve your employment and travel prospects and offer opportunities to work and live abroad in Portuguese-speaking countries, from Portugal and Brazil to Sri Lanka and India. With Babbel, you can learn important Portuguese phrases for work and travel in just a few short sessions a day. Babbel courses are targeted so you learn exactly what you need to make a true connection to the language.