Learn Turkish grammar with regular practice and exercises

Turkish grammar is quite different from that of other European languages. It follows a subject-object-verb structure with many modifications made to sentences through the use of suffixes. These are added to verbs and nouns to express meaning. Turkish grammar is very structured and regular, which makes it a little more straightforward to pick up when compared with other languages. Whether you wish to develop your Turkish business language skills or are just studying for fun, grammar is a key component in language learning.

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Turkish Verbs

When it comes to Turkish grammar verbs, they conjugate into 6 persons, as with many Latin languages. They generally fall at the end of a sentence or clause. Turkish verbs also have two standard past tenses - the ordinary past tense and the reported past tense. This differs from many other languages and may be a completely new grammatical approach for language learners. The Babbel app adapts language course content depending on the language of the learner, which makes it that bit easier to understand and grasp new grammatical concepts.

Where should you start with Turkish grammar basics?

  • A vowel usually follows a consonant

  • Sentences follow a subject, object, verb structure

  • Separate suffix and proper nouns with an apostrophe

  • Turkish nouns don't have genders!

  • Pay attention to vowel harmony

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Tenses in Turkish Grammar

Turkish grammar tenses are relatively straightforward. Turkish verbs have quite a few grammatical tenses including the present simple and continuous, the past simple and continuous, and the future tense. Turkish tenses are generally formed and implied through the use of a suffix on the root of the verb.

Turkish Grammar in Practice

Not all Turkish grammar topics have an equivalent in other languages, so students sometimes need to learn a new way of thinking and expression when studying Turkish. Some of the key areas you need to consider when learning Turkish grammar include the following:

  • Turkish verbs and tenses

  • Modifying verbs and nouns using suffixes to show different meanings and tenses

  • Singular and plural nouns

  • Phonetic elements such as vowel harmony and consonant mutation

  • Expressing presence and absence through the use of "var" and "yok"

  • Using Turkish comparatives and superlatives to make comparisons

Learn Turkish Grammar

The best way to learn Turkish grammar is to select one topic at a time, review the grammatical rules, and then put them into practice regularly through grammar exercises. Repetition is key when it comes to learning a new language and attempting Turkish grammar in use daily is the most effective way to acquire and retain new skills. It is also good to review grammar topics that you studied previously and periodically complete grammar exercises to review and refresh your knowledge of Turkish.


How can you incorporate Turkish learning into a daily routine?

  • Choose one to two Turkish grammar topics to focus on each week

  • Review the rules and examples of the grammatical structure daily

  • Complete Turkish grammar exercises daily - even 5 or 10 minutes of practice will go a long way

  • Download and use an app for easy, convenient and frequent Turkish language practice each day

  • Tackle grammar topics in bite-sized chunks

  • Dedicate a specific time to language learning daily, such as on your lunch break, on a commute, or each evening while dinner is in the oven!

Learn to Speak Turkish

Whether it's for work, college or travel, Turkish is an interesting language to learn partly due to its phonetics and vowel harmony system, and also thanks to its clear, regular grammar rules. An online Turkish language course will provide an overview of Turkish grammar and vocabulary. The Babbel app lets you study Turkish grammar and cover real-life topics such as introductions in Turkish, ordering food and drink, and making travel plans and bookings. The downloadable language app offers an easy and convenient way to access and store lessons, as well as dip in and out of daily Turkish language exercises. 5 or 10 minutes of practice a few times a day goes a long way, and is a sustainable, effective way to study any language.