Learning German pronouns and prepositions
Learning German online can be rewarding, fruitful and easier than you think. It is one of the most popular language courses on the App-based Babbel study programme, with people choosing German for a variety of reasons, including work, study and holidays. Whether you need to speak German fluently or simply want to learn enough to get by on holiday, you'll need to grasp the most essential words and phrases, which includes the basic German prepositions and pronouns.

German Prepositions and Pronouns at Babbel
All Babbel German courses will introduce you to the most important German pronouns, helping you understand when to use each pronoun and how they are used differently. German pronouns often change according to how you are framing a sentence. When you learn German online you'll also be introduced to the most basic prepositions of the language. You'll need to learn these common words early on in your journey. Those who sign up for more advanced German courses will learn an even wider range of prepositions.
The importance of learning German prepositions
Prepositions tell us where something is in time or space, in relation to something else. Prepositions are used in conjunction with a noun to explain the whens and wheres of a sentence. Prepositions are an integral part of every language, in fact we use prepositions in the majority of our sentences, without even realising it. When you start learning German, it's important to grasp the most common prepositions as soon as you can, which is why Babbel introduces students to these words early on in the programme. For English speakers, learning German prepositions is usually quite easy, because many of them are the same or similar to their English counterparts.
Test first lesson of every course for freeCommon useful German prepositions pronouns:
Zu = to
Von = from
Hinter = behind
Űber = over
Űnter = under
Neben = next to
Entlang = along
Bei = at
Mit = with
Nach = after, to, according to
Seit = since
Zwischen = between
Getting to grips with German pronouns
Learning pronouns in a new language is always going to be one of the first challenges, which is why it's best to learn through a proven pathway, such as the Babbel app-based language programme. German pronouns can be tricky at first, which is why it's important to learn them via a linguist-created course. For example, there are four words for 'you', whilst the pronoun 'sie' has three meanings: 'she', 'they' and 'you'. There are many types of German pronoun, and whilst some words remain the same in different categories, most pronouns change according to the situation.

Types of German pronoun:
German reflexive pronouns
German subject pronouns
German object pronouns
German relative pronouns
German pronouns possessive
Take your first lesson for free - learn German prepositions and pronouns straight away
The first lesson on all Babbel courses is completely free, all you need to do is open an account. You'll encounter German pronouns and prepositions from the very first tutorials. When you learn German with Babbel you can take advantage of easily digestible bitesize lessons that you can do in your own time, working around your existing commitments. All lessons present you with real world scenarios, which will help you carry out simple everyday tasks in German, such as ordering food and asking for directions. When you sign up to a German course at Babbel you will also learn according to your first language, this is because an English speaker will learn German a different way than a Spanish speaker.
Learn German online with ease
German is an important global language. There are numerous benefits of learning to speak German. Developing a clear understanding of German grammar, including proper use of pronouns and prepositions, is the first step to conquering this important language. Start learning the basics of the German language today with a Babbel language course and be ready to use German prepositions and pronouns confidently in your German speaking.